Transportation Options for International Students

Airport Information

Wittenberg is located within a 95-mile drive of three major airports (Dayton, Columbus, Cincinnati). Click Here for information, direction and links to the airports.

Transportation to and from the Dayton and Columbus airports can be scheduled using the Wittenberg Motor Pool website, but is ONLY AVAILABLE ON SPECIFIC DAYS AROUND BREAKS. Reservations must be made 48 hours in advance: $25 to Dayton Airport/$35 to Columbus Airport.

Public Transportation

Amtrak - website
Phone: 1-800-872-7245
Check the website for prices and schedules
Closest Amtrak stations are located in Cincinnati and Cleveland

Greyhound Bus - website
Phone: 1.800.231.2222
Address: 1129 Sunset Ave., Springfield, OH 45505

There are Greyhound bus stops in Springfield, Columbus, Columbus Airport, and Dayton.

MegaBus - website
Phone: 1-877-462-6342
There are MegaBus stops in Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland, but these stops only go to a few locations in the Midwest. You will need to change buses in order to reach other places outside of the Midwest.

Springfield City Area Transit (SCAT) - website
Monday-Friday 8AM-5:30PM
SCAT offers 11 fixed routes, ADA paratransit services, and Dial-A-Ride.


Student - website
Search for student airfares, hotels, activities, etc.

Hosteling International USA - website
Membership cost: varies based on country of residence
A membership to Hosteling International USA provides you with 60 hostel locations in the US and 4,000 in over 80 countries worldwide.

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